
Welcome to our website which explores what the Bible reveals about God and his plans for us, both on this planet and beyond.

Over the centuries, mainstream Christianity has offered a variety of views about such things, which has naturally led to much lively debate.
The Bible clearly declares that God is love and sovereign, and we are discovering that if we read the Bible through the twin lenses of God's love and sovereignty, a more consistent and rational basis of belief emerges.

Our new book, The Really Good News About God, discusses these in an informal way, and the website provides Biblical support for the positions taken in the book together with additional articles that delve a bit deeper than a book designed for the general public permits.

We have used snippets from the BOOK and samples from our BLOG at https://barrysgracespace.blogspot.com as the foundation of the site and will continue to add articles to keep readers abreast of our discoveries and opinions, and hopefully encourage them to embrace the God of the Bible whom we have come to love and serve.

Even if we don't fully achieve this aim, we trust we will at least challenge readers to think about what they currently believe in light of what the Bible says, and so promote a greater respect for God and his plans for mankind.

So welcome ..... choose a topic from the menu and enjoy the journey with us as we discover the extravagance of God's unconditional love and amazing grace.

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Copyright Notice

Articles on this website are given freely to all and may be copied and distributed freely.

It is therefore inappropriate for anyone to profit financially from them other than their author and IBTECH Services - and we have chosen not to.

"Freely you have received; freely give."

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That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. Command and teach these things.
[1 Timothy 4 : 10, 11 NIV]