Welcome to the Portal for our New Book
"The Really Good News About God"

Its three main sections are accessed through the icons on the left.

"The Book" opens a new page that focusses on our recently published book, "The Really Good News About God". Its chapters discuss God and his plans for his creation from a lay-person's perspective, rather than a theological or philosophical one. Use this link to read short excerpts from the book.

"The Blog" opens a new window or tab that takes you to our GraceSpace Blog. Use this link to explore and discuss, with the book's author and other bloggers, a range of Christian themes and Bible topics, including the positions taken in "The Really Good News About God".

"The Bible" opens a new page (still in its infancy) that discusses the Biblical support for the positions taken in the book with answers to common objections to those positions, together with background studies on the Bible and its various English translations.